Thursday, April 06, 2006

I'm an addict

I believe that everyone should have a least one or two (or three, or four) addictions. Now I am not talking drugs, alcohol, sex (hehe, I said sex) or things like that. Although..... I am talking about little addictions that are short lived, but very intense and all consuming. Currently I have two such addictions. One, as you all know is The Amazing Race. I just don't feel complete if I miss a week. The other is E-bay. I am not a buyer, though I love to go see what kind of weird stuff people are selling. I am a seller. Right now I am only selling rubber stamp sets that I don't want anymore, but I keep trying to think of other stuff I can sell. I made my first official transaction yesterday. It was rather exciting. I seriously go there about 20 times a day just to see how my auctions are going. It is so exciting when someone bids on your item. I know, I am a nerd.


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