Sunday, June 04, 2006


So, Friday morning I was sitting at home and I heard a siren. Well, thinking that it sounded really close, I looked out the window and saw one of my neighbors and her two kids standing on another neighbors lawn next to a paramedic vehicle. I thought "Holy crap, I hope the kids are ok". Then I took a step away from the window and caught sight of their house, and thought, "HOLY CRAP, their house is on fire". There were flames coming out of the top of the garage and lots of black smoke.

Of course, being the closet pyromaniac that I am, I had to stand and watch it. (And take pictures). There ended up being two paramedics and three fire engines, plus the fire investigators and some news cameras. Turns out the little boy (about 10 yrs, old) lit a cardboard box on fire that morning, thought he put it out and left for school. The aunt and her two boys were asleep in the basement and woke up to the sound of the fire alarm. Scary!! Their garage was pretty toasted and I am sure both cars in the garage and pretty much ruined. Luckily, nobody was hurt, but let this be a lesson to you kids. Don't play with matches. Unless you "have" to. Hehehe. It wasn't the coolest thing I have ever seen, but I learned that vinyl siding looks really cool went it melts, and it did provide me a lot of entertainment for me.


At June 05, 2006 1:48 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

OH MAN!!!!!!

*checking to make sure all of my matches are out of reach*

At June 11, 2006 10:48 AM, Blogger Marcianne said...

Good Heavens! I'm glad nobody was hurt.


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