Wednesday, May 03, 2006

My Twilight Zone Moment

Every once in awhile something truly bizarre happens. I am not usually on the receiving ends of these moments, but today was different. I was sitting on the couch feeding Drake when I heard a cat meowing. A little strange since none of my neighbors own cats, but not that unusual. Then I heard scratching at the back door. So I finished feeding him and we went to look. There was this cute little black kitty looking in. (We have a glass panel in our back door) As we got closer I noticed he looked kind of sick and dirty and very skinny. Poor little kitty! Then when I go to the back door I realized he was not alone. There were three other cats with him. It was like a cat gang. One of them was kind of bleeding from his throat, which was both disgusting and sad. The others were just standing there, staring. Weird!! So what do I do? I go grab my camera. Is that sick or what? I then called animal services who were more than happy to come get the cats if I trapped them first. And, I could even borrow their traps, if I came to get them and put down a $50 deposit on EACH trap. Um, no!! Anyway, the whole time I am talking to animal services the cats are just milling around hissing at each other and arching their backs at each other until one of them left. Except the black one. He wondered back and forth in front of the door and kept standing up on his hind legs to peek in. Why did they pick my deck? I don't know. Maybe Drake is really a witch and he called them here. Maybe they sensed that I like cats (at least clean, healthy ones) and figured I would feed them. Maybe I truly am in the Twilight Zone. And now, two and a half hours later, they are still sitting on my deck. I told Drake to send them away, but apparently he hasn't learned that spell yet, he only knows how to call them. I don't know what they are waiting for. I am not going to feed them. Maybe the hurt one decided this would be a good place to die and the others are just here for moral support. I just wish they would go away. It is creeping me out.


At May 03, 2006 11:01 PM, Blogger Tracey Lee said...

Eeewwwww...get rid of them! Pets = Nasty!

At May 04, 2006 6:54 AM, Blogger dtl said...

Twilight zone my butt. As soon as Shane leaves you turn your place into a cat house.

At May 04, 2006 7:02 AM, Blogger Michelle said...

Yup, and then I have to pretend that I don't like them. And just for the record. THEY ARE STILL THERE!!

At May 10, 2006 2:46 PM, Blogger Marcianne said...

Good Heavens! How freaky. I hate cats and I think they may be evil. If I didn't hate seeing bleeding animals more, I'd probably have to reach for my pellet gun, were I in your shoes.

If they are still there, they are probably trying to wear you down. Don't fall for it! Don't let them take over your life. All they want is to poop under your couches, get hair everywhere and smell things up so badly that you can't tell if your house smells any more because you are so accustomed to it.

Don't let them take you over!

At May 11, 2006 8:59 PM, Blogger Michelle said...

I have to laugh about the pellet gun cause guess what finally got them to go away. That's right, after three "episodes" with Shane and the pellet gun, they finally took the hint and left.

At May 12, 2006 10:47 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I am LMBO!

I know! It's really the 3 nephites! They were testing you to see if you are a good, worthy person! And you scared them away!

...oh well!

At May 13, 2006 8:11 PM, Blogger Marcianne said...

Shane rocks! That is hilarious.

Being a veggie and all, it's hard for me to condone animal cruelty but at the same time are cats even animals? Or are they the embodied minions of satan?

If the three Nephites came in the form of cats to test me, I'm afraid my eternal prospects would be determined quite quickly and I'd have a hard time feeling bad about it. Tee hee hee...

At May 21, 2006 1:41 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.


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